Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Perfect Day

I am a teacher of mentally/physically handicapped. Everything from the Autism spectrum to Down syndrome. I enjoy what I do. I had the perfect day yesterday, I am more determined than every to become an interpreter. I am currently teaching a summer class and I had a woman come in yesterday to tell me that she would LOVE to take the class, but she works during the day(my class is offered in the morning) and wanted to know if I could offer it in the evening during the Fall. 

 I would love to offer it during the fall, but my commute is about an hour and a half long(I take public transit). I wrote my syllabus under the assumption that my students would take a while to understand the topic...boy did I underestimate them. This is only the 2nd week and they have gone through the entire alphabet, some numbers and I am teaching them grammar. I am sooo proud of my students.